
محاضرة ومعرض


Brook Muller

23 Aug

2015 - 18 : 00

Architectural Ecologies: Furnishing the Sustainable City | Lecture by: Brook Muller

How can smaller scale architectural and landscape architectural design interventions elevate livability and environmental quality while contributing to broader scale urban ecological function? Building on his book Ecology and the Architectural Imagination, Brook Muller will examine the implications of a view of architecture as assemblages of dynamic (eco)systems embedded in those of larger magnitude. With profound implications for the discipline of architecture, water in such an ecological design perspective becomes the critical medium linking builtscapes and landscapes in the urban environment.

Lecture by: Brook Muller
Interim Dean and Associate Professor in the
School of Architecture and Allied Arts

The lecture will be at The American University in Cairo
Tahrir Campus
Oriental Hall
6:00 pm
In English – all are welcome

Dean Brook Muller is in Cairo to lead a week-long workshop focusing on small-scale urban innovation to improve local environments and productivity. A collaboration between Megawra|Built Environment Collective, Cairo University and the American University in Cairo, the workshop aims to employ “micro-urban development” to improve quality of life using a real-world public housing complex in Cairo as a starting point.

Visit the links below for more information: