
محاضرة ومعرض


Kishk.O, Abdel Karim.M, El-Sheikh.M, Abdel Kawi.T. Mansour.A, Borham.A, Hosni.H, el-Farouki.T

18 Feb

2012 - 19 : 00



مازن عبد الكريم , طارق عبد القوي , أحمد برهام , طارق الفاروقي ,عمر كشك , أحمد منصور , محمد الشيخ

Jack of Eight Trades

Young architects working in the fields of architectural design, urbanism, conservation, illustration, graphic design, publishing, education, music, human resources, geographic information systems, and architectural tourism give 5 minute presentations on their career paths. They present the decision-making process that led them to do what they do today and the relationship between their current jobs and their education in architecture.
This will be followed by a moderated debate that discusses the meaning of architectural education and its role in graduating creative individuals that may or may not design buildings. Students and young graduates walk away with a wider understanding of what it is to be a successful architect.

Speakers (in alphabetical order)

Mazin Abdul-Karim
BSc Architecture, Faculty of Engineering, University of Ain Shams (2004); MSc Architecture and Urban Design, DIA/Bauhaus (2008)
Founding Partner: Contrast designs; Founding Partner: Zawia (periodical publication on design, art and architecture)

Tarek Abdel Kawi
BSc Architecture, Faculty of Engineering, MIU (2009)
Illustration instructor at GUC; Freelance graphic designer and illustrator

Ahmad Borham
BSc Architecture, Faculty of Engineering, University of Ain Shams
Researcher on issues of flexibility and adaptability in urbanism and teaching assistant at AUC and Arab Academy.

Tarek El-Farouki
BSc Architecture, Faculty of Engineering, Misr International University (2004)
HR Manager, Comic Video Illustrator and Musician

Heba Hosny
BSc Architecture, Faculty of Engineering, University of Ain Shams
Freelance GIS expert.

Omar Kishk
BSc in architecture (Faculty of Fine Arts – Helwan University)
MA History of Islamic Art & Architecture (American University in Cairo)
Architect – Partner ( 97 Design Studio )

Ahmed Mansour
BSc Architecture, Faculty of Fine Art, University of Helwan (2001)
MSc Conservaton KULeuven
Conservation architect and heritage management specialist.

Mohamed El-Sheikh
BSc Architecture, Faculty of Fine Arts, University of Alexandria (2007)
Exhibition designer and Cultural Event Organiser

تمن صنايع

سيقدم معماريون شباب يعملون في مجالات التصميم المعماري والعمران والحفاظ علي التراث والرسومات وتصميم الجرافيك والنشر والتعليم والموسيقي والموارد البشرية ونظم المعلومات الجغرافية والسياحة المعمارية سيقدمون عرض من 5 دقائق حول حياتهم المهنية.سيعرضون بالتفصيل قرارتهم التي أدت لما هم عليه اليوم والعلاقة بين وظيفتهم الحالية وتعليمهم المعماري.وسيتبع هذا نقاش حول معني التعليم المعماري ودوره في إنشاء أفراد مبدعين يعملون أو لايعملون في تصميم المباني.من المفترض أن يعرف الطلاب وحديثي التخرج طريقاُ أوسع لفهم : ماذا تفعل لتصبح معماري ناجح؟