22Mar2025Mother of Pearl & Brass: Wood Inlay Workshop
08Mar2025Cairo Veneers: Wood Veneer Workshop & Suhoor Night
28Dec2024Clay Chronicles: Shaping History Through Pottery
07Dec2024Woven Tales: Tour and Khiyamiyya Workshop
25Oct2024Tracing Inscriptions Tour & Workshop
30Sep2024Al-Khalifa Greening Tour and Workshop
01Sep2024Patterns of Cairo, Colour, and Refuse Reuse
29Jun2024History And Heritage: Gaza’s Destruction And Narrative Disruption
05Jun2024Internship for ERTH: Athar Lina Climate and Heritage Project
22Mar2024Spend the Day in Khalifa: 11th Edition
10Feb2024Brick by brick
05Feb2024A training Course: Integrated Solutions for Groundwater problems in Historic Settings
04Feb2024Al-Khalifa Mini Camp 2
03Feb2024Treasure Hunt in al-Sultan Hassan
28Jan2024Al-Khalifa Mini Camp 1
13Jan2024Live Sketching Tour with Turathiyyah
23Dec2023Wood veneer: Tour and workshop
25Nov2023Al-Khalifa Pottery: Tour and pottery painting workshop
18Nov2023Spend a day at Al-Imam al-Shafi’i Visitors’ Centre
11Nov2023Sa’id Mahran in al-Khalifa Lecture & Tour
28Oct2023Woven Tales: Tour and workshop
27Sep2023Turath Bel Arabi: Heritage through Crafts and Design
16Sep2023The Prince Claus Fund Mobile Lab 2023
30Aug2023Turath Bel Arabi: Preserving Heritage in the Shadow of Conflict and Disaster
28DecClay Chronicles: Shaping History Through Pottery
07DecWoven Tales: Tour and Khiyamiyya Workshop
25OctTracing Inscriptions Tour & Workshop
30SepAl-Khalifa Greening Tour and Workshop
01SepPatterns of Cairo, Colour, and Refuse Reuse
29JunHistory And Heritage: Gaza’s Destruction And Narrative Disruption
05JunInternship for ERTH: Athar Lina Climate and Heritage Project
22MarSpend the Day in Khalifa: 11th Edition
10FebBrick by brick
05FebA training Course: Integrated Solutions for Groundwater problems in Historic Settings
23DecWood veneer: Tour and workshop
25NovAl-Khalifa Pottery: Tour and pottery painting workshop
18NovSpend a day at Al-Imam al-Shafi’i Visitors’ Centre
11NovSa’id Mahran in al-Khalifa Lecture & Tour
28OctWoven Tales: Tour and workshop
27SepTurath Bel Arabi: Heritage through Crafts and Design
16SepThe Prince Claus Fund Mobile Lab 2023
30AugTurath Bel Arabi: Preserving Heritage in the Shadow of Conflict and Disaster
27AugAl-Khalifa Mini Camp
14JunTraining Course: Integrated Solutions for Groundwater Problems in Historic Settings
13JunInternship for ERTH: Athar Lina Climate and Heritage Project
10JunPrinces and Sultans Tour with Maissa Moustafa
10MarSpend the Day in Khalifa: 10th Edition
18FebTour in Ibn Tulun and Stucco Workshop (in English)
11FebKhalifa Urban Dreams: Films Screening
04FebTreasure Hunt in al-Khalifa
17DecTour in Ibn Tulun and Stucco Workshop
26NovTour through al-Imam al-Shafi’i Cemetery
05OctTahayyuz Lectures: Studying Arts + Architecture at UNC Charlotte
02OctTahayyuz Lectures: Design & Its Problems
24SepSeminar for Heritage Education and Industries
22SepWebinar: Groundwater Solutions in Historic Settings
17JulTahayyuz Summer Internship at Megawra
25MarSpend the Day in Khalifa 9
02MarReusing Groundwater in al-Khalifa Park
26FebTour in the Vicinity of Al-Imamayn
19Febal-Imam al-Shafi’i Tour: Heritage Activities for Families
11FebContemporary Khiyamiyya Workshop: Design and Implementation
09FebTurath Bel Arabi: Communities and Governance
19DecWebinar: Megawra Papers No.4: Glossary of the Street
18DecMegawra’s 10th Anniversary
15DecTurath Bel Arabi: The Challenge of Urban Conservation
27NovTour of al-Sayyida Nafisa Cemetery
30OctBetween Two Gates: A tour through the Squares and Markets of al-Khalifa
29OctWorking with Stucco: A craft and design workshop
19SepConservation-Restoration Criteria and Applied Techniques
29MayMemory of a Place | On Suq al-Jum’a
22MayAugmented Reality Workshop
26AprCPHC Online Lecture Series – Part 2 | The Participatory Process of al-Hattaba Development Project
30MarThe Justice of Public Spaces: A Dialogue About Accessibility and Traffic in al-Khalifa
24MarSpend the Day in Khalifa 8
24MarCPHC Online Lecture Series- Part 1| Conservation and Management Plan for Al-Khalifa Street Area
28DecClosing Webinar | Citizen Participation in Historic Cairo Project
21NovWebinar: Barefoot Social Architecture with Yasmeen Lari
06FebDocumenting the Present | Participatory Practices in Contemporary Heritage Collecting
06FebSpend the Day in Khalifa 7
18JanWe knew it by the fragrance of its earth: A storytelling tour through the area of al-Imam al-Shafi’i
30OctHistorical mosques workshop
20Augthe art of storytelling and its practices
30JulAn open discussion about Cairopolitan’s experience in branding and promoting the Egyptian street
16JulPresentation and Discussion on the History of Khiyamiyyah and its Role in Egyptian Society
15MarEGG-tion Hero at Hakawy Festival
16FebSDK 6 al-Khalifa
15FebSDK 6 al-Hattaba
13FebLeather Workshop
22DecF2F showcase: Universe travel
17OctThe Way of the Heart
03OctOrigin of a Tale Show in Cairo
16SepCall for researchers | Pedestrian mobility study
15SepCity Walk | Al-Hattaba+Closing event of al-Khalifa Summer Camp 5
29AugWorkshop: Shared Streets formation in Al-Khalifa
22MayGive your closet a new life
12MayRamadan Decorations Workshop
08MayThrough Walls: Muralism Seminar
05MaySpace and Yoga
21AprTri-City Photo Marathon | CAI
10MarCitywalk l Squares and Markets
03FebWhat do you think about architecture education and practice?
08DecSpend the Day in Khalifa 5
01DecAl-Khalifa Shopfronts project
18NovCitywalk l Reservation and Rehabilitation
18Novhow do we speak our slang
11SepBook Signing: “An Overview of Pioneer Egyptian Architects
04JulWhat the City Means to Youth
05AprBlue Architecture : Hydro-logical Design for Urban Watersheds
01AprRunning on the Edge; Design from India
28MarGround Water Research Project – International School Khalifa Heritage and Environment Park
22MarThe Throne ” Talk & Photographic Exhibition “
04MarQuseir through the eyes of the present and the past
28FebCity Walks: Another Perspective for Narrating Cairo’s History
18FebBetween Two Cities Infinite Comics on the City
11FebAdventure in the Mosque of Ahmad Ibn Tulun and Beit al-Kritliyya
30DecTemporary Spaces – Architecture of Forced Displacement
24DecSaints Tour & Filmscreening
19DecOn Building Urban Ecological Resilience
17DecPublic seminar: Tailored integrated solutions for Khalifa’s Ground Water Problem
14DecTrenchless Technology Approach To Infrastructure
06DecWater reuse and treatment projects by TU Berlin El Gouna
05DecDrinking Water Management Policies in Egypt
21NovHacking Heritage
19NovCity walk | Sultans Tour and Filmscreening
13NovConservation School – Integrated solutions for ground water
07NovResilient Rules
02NovThe Nubian Villages of Bigge
23OctSidewalks, starting a dialogue about pedestrian in Cairo
14OctSpend the Day in Khalifa 4
23SepMapping Urban Water Flow (UMIS) – al-Khalifa
05AugClimate Graffiti Workshop
17JulSoilless agriculture workshop
26MayParticipatory workshop: al-Khalifa, A Dream
19MayDialogues between Architecture and Cinema
16MayThe Fatimid Cemetery of Aswan, Historic Gem and a Living Heritage
14MayCairo, why? – Visual Arts Exhibition
09May Agebha mnen| Khalifa Exchange
04MayThe Disadvantaged Groups in Cairo: Sleepwalking into segregation?
22AprCity Walk: Darb al-Husr | Cairo Urban Sketchers
13AprLecture series: Megawra+ Al Azhar University
11AprAlexandria, and the stewardship of the asset “Urban Heritage”
06AprWhen Cities Speak
30MarIhky ya Tarkih
30MarCairo, why? visual art workshop and exhibition
23MarA Story of Intentional Errors
19MarAl-Ashraf Street: Infrastructure and Wellbeing
19MarCity walk- Manial | Mohamed Ali Palace
16MarUrban Information Systems: Concepts, Issues, & Potentialities
27DecIntroduction to the LEED rating system | Lecture by: Amira Ayoub
20DecCurating architecture: Interventions in public space
12DecCity walk-Attaba| National Theatre
29NovAthar Lina Initiative: Recent Developments
25NovFawanis al-Khalifa Workshop
23NovFilmscreening | Attention gentlemen
22NovAn Architecture for Autism| Lecture by Magda Mostafa
11NovHeliopolis | Lecture and walking tour
09NovArchitecture, Society and Cinema through Political Shifts ( 1952-2011)
31OctMashroo3 Kheir Workshop in Megawra al-Khalifa
28OctUnderstanding Growth
24OctCity Walk – Zamalek| Aisha Fahmi Palace
14OctBirth Certificate versus CV / Timeline of Bab Zuwayla
01OctWeek of Regional Climate Action | Film screening
23AugArchitectural Ecologies: Furnishing the Sustainable City | Lecture by: Brook Muller
10AugBook Signing of “More than Vernacular” |Marwa Dabaieh
29JulLecture |Culture and Informal Urban Development |Hassan ElMouelhi
27JulRamlet Bulaq: Scenarios of Urban and Social Transformations| 10 Tooba
25JulArchitecture for the humanity’s workshop | “Ain”
08JunLaunch of the fourth Cairobserver publication | Mohamed Elshahed
07JunIntroduction To The Living Building Challenge – Amira Ayoub
06JunUrban Innovations Competition Final Exhibition and Seminar
29MayCity walk – Shubra
28MayCine Megawra – Water |Deepa Mehta
21MayCine Megawra | The Thread And The Wall
18MayInternational Museum Day Celebration | Gayer Anderson Museum
14MayCine Megawra – Wajda | Hayfaa al-Mansour
10May10Tooba | Applied Research on the Built Environment
22AprSpirit of Youth Association for Environmental Service
08AprDavid Attenborough’s Life Story | Presented by Ahmed Ebeid
07AprEcocitizen World Map Project | Heba Essam el-Din Khalil
30MarLECTURE | Just a passerby | Ashraf Botros
23MarNarratives of the Self and Other: Bein al-Sarayat and its surrounding spaces
22MarCelebrating the City as a Resource
21MarCity walk | Al-Dahir
28FebManga workshop
21FebGarden Design in Ancient Egypt – Hala Barakat
19FebCine Megawra |EZBET KHAIRALLA
18FebLECTURE AND DISCUSSION | Léopold Lambert | The Funambulist
29JanCine Megawra | Omnia Khalil – Egyptian Urban Action
28JanReuse … Don’t Refuse
11SepAl-Khalifa summer camp closing event
05JulRollercoasting the city x13
25JunDesign Futures HotHouse 4 – The Outcomes
12JunArchitecture strategy _ related to the context | Amandus Sattler
24MayMEGAWRA LECTURE | Interiority – The Discourse of Split Screens | Adham Selim
18MayGrad Project Workout: Module 4: In Design
10MayCine Megawra | Animation Night
30MarDelivering Concepts: Jenan Azmi showcases the process of formulation of concepts in her work
25MarGrad Project Workout: Module 2: Advanced Techniques for modelling via 3DS Max
19MarLETS (Local Exchange Trading System) | Workshop
18MarGrad Project Workout – Module 1 | Conceptualisation
13MarCine Megawra | Underground
22FebSocial Justice and the Built Environment; The End and the Beginning
13FebCINE MEGAWRA |Quail and autumn | Existence
12FebThe Urban Forming of Streets Collective Facades
11FebFutility | Beyond Architecture (2.0) Presentations
05FebMaspero Parallel Participatory Project
18JanRollercoasting the City | Graphic Novel Workshop
15JanCine Megawra | Melancholia
13JanCreating Children’s Play Spaces | Athar Lina 3
09JanCine Megawra | The Diving Bell and the Butterfly – What’s Going On?
30DecEzbet Community Centre Competition
26DecFilm Screening | The Pervert’s Guide to Ideology
24DecPracticing Architecture in Egypt | Introduction to Project Management
19DecCine Megawra | 12 Angry Men
12DecCine Megawra | One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest
30NovSpend the Day in Khalifa | Athar Lina 3
23NovGrasshopper Workshop For Professionals 101 [3rd]
19NovBeginners Comics Workshop
06NovMentorship Program with Raef Fahmi
03NovFutility | Beyond Architecture (2.0)
30OctAin Shams Neighborhood Initiative | Closing Presentation
25OctKhalifa – Inside Out | Athar Lina 3
20OctMegawra Opening | 2013 – 2014 Season
28SepGrasshopper Workshop For Professionals 101 [2nd]
07SepMegawra Open Day and Volunteer Meeting
19JulParametric Logics with Grasshopper (1st)
23JunThe Right to Architecture | Beyond Participation
22JunCine Megawra | Man from Earth
21JunIntroduction to LEED & GA Exam Preparation | 1 Day Course
15JunSave Alex | Grassroots Mobilization for Urban and Architectural Conservation in Alexandria
08JunCine Megawra | Nostalghia
01JunCine Megawra | I’m a Cyborg, But That’s OK.
28MayBeyond Architecture | Megawra Tuesday Talks
25MayCine Megawra | Pina
16AprNASS | Identity and Vision through Architectural Design
13AprAUB Neighbourhood Initiative
06AprFilm Screening: Medianeras
03AprThe Ageless Mentor: Architectural Archives at the Rare Books and Special Collections Library at AUC.
28MarUrban regeneration: beyond the building Jason Hilgefort
26MarLife is Elsewhere: In search of the sweet voice of Tom Waits
12MarDIAGNOSIS: Advanced Environmental Design Workshop and Competition
02MarRousseau’s The Social Contract and Abou Seif’s Al-Bedaia: 3rd F+B+T event
23FebAin Shams Neighbourhood Initiative
15FebOpening and school wall painting: Athar Lina School for Heritage and Art
12FebAn Architect’s Occupation
22JanOrigami event with Waraqat
19JanCairo From Below – ‘Our Urban Futures’Ideas Competition – Seminar and Award Ceremony
18JanVisit to Manial al-Rawda and Villa Abu Rihab
18JanAthar Lina Heritage School for Children: Athar Lina 2
16JanAdventures in Architecture, Second F+B+T Event
08DecLEED Green Associate course
18NovMegawra Building Club: I M Pei’s Museum of Islamic Art (MIA)
12NovAthar Lina Closing Seminar in Ibn Tulun Mosque
11NovCastor in Cairo
06NovThe Right to housing: a socially just and sustainable built environment
29OctWho Shapes our Cities? Urban Egypt between Grassroots Initiatives and State Control
22OctMegawra Book Club: Guy Debord’s Society of the Spectacle
16OctDozing; Architecture and the science of precise placement
10OctSketching Techniques for Designers
08OctMy Architect: A Film by Nathaniel Kahn + A Book By Louis Kahn
21SepHeliopolis Walk
17SepTadamon: Cairo Urban Solidarity Project
15SepMegawra Opening – Fun day
07AugRamadan seminar: whose monument: participatory design project for monument-street buffer zones
03JulTo each story there are two sides or more
30JunWhose monument: participatory design project for monument-street buffer zones
27JunFilm screening: Synecdoche, New York
12JunAlien Encounters
30MayFilm Screening: Metropolis
26MayMapping Informality
19MayLive in Slums
30AprMegawra Film Screening: La Jetee & 12 Monkeys
23AprEnvironmental Design: A point of View
21AprComputational Design | Workshop C | Programming Architecture – Interactive Environments
18AprMegawra Book Club | Al-Sa’irun Niyaman (Sleepwalkers)
05AprComputational Design | Workshop B | Digital Fabrication – Materiality in Depth
31MarCine Megawra | Herzog & De Meuron’s Bird’s Nest
29MarComputational Design | Workshop A | Grasshopped!
27MarMegawra Book Club | The Sultan’s Seal
26MarHeliopolis | Where Is It Going?
12MarCine Megawra |Garbage Dreams
05MarThe City and the Public | New Modes of Urban Intervention in Cairo since Jan 2011
25FebCine Megawra | Blade Runner
18FebHow Architects Communicate
18FebMegawra Opening
18FebJack of Eight Trades
06FebMegawra Focus Group Meeting
17JanTaking Leave